The terms and conditions


We take care of your recovery.


General Terms and Conditions 1

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A room booking arranged by the guest and accepted by the hotel establishes a contractual relationship between the two contracting parties, the so-called hotel reception Contract.

I. Scope

1. These terms and conditions shall apply to contracts for the rental of hotel rooms for accommodation, as well as all other services and deliveries of the hotels provided to the Customer.

2. The Sub-and further letting of the rooms, as well as their use for other than accommodation purposes, require the prior written consent of the Hotel.

3. The Customer’s terms and Conditions shall apply only if this has been expressly agreed in writing in Advance.

4. For the reservation of event rooms and related services of the hotel, our general terms and conditions for events apply.
Please request detailed information (Conference folder).

II. Conclusion of contract, Contract partner, Contract liability, Limitation

1. The contract is concluded by the acceptance of the customer’s application by the hotel.
The hotel confirms the room booking in writing.

2. Contract partners are the hotel and the customer. If a third party has ordered for the customer, he is liable to the hotel together with the customer as a total debtor for all obligations arising from the hotel reception contract, provided the hotel has a corresponding declaration from the third Party.

3. The hotel is liable with the care of an ordinary merchant for its obligations under the contract. Claims by the customer for damages are excluded. Excluded from this are damages from injury to life, body or health if the hotel is responsible for the breach of duty and other damages based on a vorsätzlichenh or gross negligence of the hotel. A breach of duty of the hotel is equal to that of a legal representative or vicarious agent. If faults or deficiencies in the Hotel’s services occur, the hotel will endeavour to remedy the problem if it has been informed or if the customer has made an immediate complaint. The customer is obligated to make reasonable efforts to remedy the malfunction and to minimise any possible damage.

4. The hotel is liable to the customer for the items brought in according to the legal regulations. however, The hotel is only liable up to an amount equal to the hundred times of the accommodation price for one day, but at least up to the amount of €600.00 and at most up to the amount of 3.500.00 €; For money, Securities and treasures, The amount of €800.00 shall be the place of 3.500.00 €.

5. In so far as the customer is provided with a parking space in the hotel garage or in a hotel car park, also for a fee, no custody contract is Concluded. The hotel shall not be liable for loss or Beschädugung on the premises of motor vehicles placed or ranked on the hotel grounds and their contents, except in the case of intent or gross Negligence. This also applies to the vicarious agents of the hotel. The StVO is valid on the entire hotel grounds.

6. The limitation period for all claims of the customer is one year, unless the hotel is liable for gross negligence or intent or if there are mandatory statutory statutes of limitations.

7. This limitation of liability and short limitation period apply in favour of the hotel also in case of breach of obligations in the initiation of the contract and positive breach of contract

III. Services, Prices, Payment, Offsetting

1. The hotel is obliged to keep the rooms booked by the customer and to provide the agreed Services.

2. The customer is obligated to pay the prices of the hotel which are valid for the room and the other services used by Him. This also applies to services and expenses of the hotel to third parties which are caused by the customer.

3. The agreed prices include the respective legal value added tax.

4. The prices may be changed by the hotel if the customer subsequently wishes to change the number of rooms booked, the Hotel’s performance or the duration of the guests ‚ stay and the property Agrees.

5. Hotel invoices without due date are payable without deduction within 10 days of receipt of the invoice. The hotel is entitled to make accrued claims at any time and to demand payment immediately. In the event of late payment, the hotel shall be entitled to charge interest in the amount of 5% above the respective base Rate. The customer remains entitled to the proof of a lower, the hotel of a higher damage. The hotel may make a higher claim against proof. The customer remains entitled to the proof of a lower, the hotel of a higher damage. cash, advance transfer and payment with EC and Maestro cards are free of charge. When paying with Visa and mastercard, a service charge of 2% is charged, at American Express of 3.5%.

IV. Cancellation of the customer (Unsubscribe, Cancellation)

1. The customer is granted the right to terminate the contract in compliance with the following cancellation conditions.

If the cancellation is cancelled up to 29 days before arrival, No cancellation costs will be charged.

If the cancellation is made 28 days before arrival, no resale to 80% will be charged on booking with breakfast or 70% on booking with half board, except for the booking in the last minute area, a free cancellation is not possible here. Instead of these lump sums, the customer is allowed to prove that a damage has either not been incurred at all or only at a much lower level.

Please note that this section will also take effect in case of early departure.

V. Room delivery, Delivery and return

1. The customer does not acquire any entitlement to the provision of certain rooms.

2. Subject to separate agreements, the hotel room cover is not possible before 15.00 pm of the day of arrival.

3. The return of the hotel rooms must be made on the day of departure until 11.00 pm. If the return time is exceeded, The hotel calculates the customer 50% of the list price (price list). He is free to prove that the hotel has no or a much lower entitlement to a user fee.

4. In case of registration of several persons of group, travel, Seminar and Conference events, The participants ‚ lists shall be communicated to the hotel up to 14 days before the date of arrival or before the Event. Political events must be clearly marked during registration.

VI. Others

1. Animals may only be brought with the prior consent of the hotel and against the payment of an additional charge. Pets are not allowed in public areas such as restaurants, Hotel bar, swimming pool area etc.

VII. Final Provisions

1. Amendments or additions to the contract, the acceptance of the application or these Terms and conditions for the hotel reception shall be made in Writing. Unilateral changes or additions by the customer are ineffective.

2. Place of fulfillment and payment is the seat of the hotel.

3. Exclusive place of jurisdiction-also for cheque and exchange disputes-is the seat of the hotel in commercial transactions. If a contractual partner satisfies the requirements of § 38 (1) CCP and does not have a general place of jurisdiction in germany, the place of jurisdiction shall be the seat of the Hotel.

4. German Law applies

5. Should individual provisions of these general terms and conditions for the hotel reception be or become invalid or void, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. Instead of an ineffective clause, a Entssprechende legal regulation automatically occurs. Otherwise, the legal regulations apply.